May 2024

Marissa, Dir: Suzie Jones, Feature Films    

Blue Carbon: Nature’s Hidden Power, Dir: Nicolas Brown, Documentary Feature
Haosong Xu, Me&You, Visual Effects 

End of the, Dir: Ganlkhavga Ganbold, Narrative Short    
El Male, Leonardo Mileikowsky, Original Screenplay Short          
The Four Flames, Diane Vlajcic Heil, Douglas Heil, Original Screenplay Feature
On The Limit, Dir: Angus Bentley, Trailer            
On The Limit, Dir: Ollie Hutchings-Smith, Web Series/TV Pilot     
Pot And The Kettle, Dir: Gareth Crockford, Narrative Short         
Dead Beat, Dir: George Zwier, Narrative Short   

Short Stop 24, Dir: Robert B. Brown, Antony Andrious, Documentary Short               
On this Quiet Land, Dir: Ye Feng, Documentary Feature 
Ye Feng, On this Quiet Land, Directing              
Lion’s Roar, Africa, Documentary Short              
Just Say It, Dir: Yunfan Xiao, Narrative Short     
Yunfan Xiao, Just Say It, Directing