July 2023

Through the Ice, Dir: Yosuke, Feature Films

Happy Anniversary, Dir: Cheney Chen, Animation Short  
The Road To Nowhere, Dir: Mehmet Tanrisever, Feature Films    
The Vacation Show, Dir: Xionghao Jin, Feature Films     

The Troxler Effect, Dir: Daryl Sparkes, Experimental Short
Deborah Marshall, The Troxler Effect, Lead Actress          
Miracle  Band, Dir: Chunling Xu, Feature Films   
Once Upon a Time in Jinan: Some Ordinary People, Dir: Qing Li, Documentary Feature   

Doctor  Harriet’s  Four, Dir: Lukas Metjes, Narrative Short           
Hervine De Boodt, Doctor  Harriet’s  Four, Lead Actress            
Lawyers of China, Dir: Xiaolei Bai, Documentary Short   
Lawyers of China, Dir: Xiaolei Bai, Trailer