March 2022

Sugar Cake, Dir: Arek Schermer, Feature Films

Booth, Dir: Mark Knowles, Feature Films
Indigo Star, Dir: Lazslo Nagy, Narrative Short

Guy Unsworth, The System, Directing              
Benjamin Eeley, The System, Cinematography 
Selena Xin Jin, The Lady of the House of Love, Costume Design         
Brian’s Story: Love & Solitude, Dir: Ant Wright, Documentary Short
The Hunter Permutation, Dir: Zora Anri, Narrative Short  

The System, Dir: Guy Unsworth, Feature Films 
Emily Head, The System, Lead Actress
A World Turned Around, Dir: Johanne Chagnon, Experimental Short    
Lu Ke Lu, Boogie Rage, Cinematography                      
The Wicked, Dir: Jinghao Huang, Directing       
The Deepest Love, Dir: Daoming Han, Documentary Feature    
Running Memory, Dir: David Marcus Jones, Feature Films